Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Teenagers and social networking

Hellow partners,  i checked the article "Teenagers and social networking – it might actually be good for them" in the guardian.com and I am absolutelly agree with what the article says. The teenagers each time have more acces to mobile phone, computers, etc and that has been addictive and dangerous. The social relations are more and more impersonal, has been lost the empathy, are more trivial. The social relations face to time are becoming less. The autor asks: " We could be raising a hedonistic generation who live only in the thrill of the computer-generated moment and are in distinct danger of detaching themselves from what the rest of us would consider the real world." The answer is no, in each decade appear new things that scare parents and tend to think apocalyptically, however, numerous studies have shown that even can be beneficious and a good tool for the teenagers. It's good for their education and to make friends. One form of socialising doesn't replace the other. It augments it. Similarly like the adults used the social networking and even establish relationships face to face without any problems, The teenagers are careful with their provacity and take the measures necessary. But we need to educate teens using social networks in moderation. The bullying and sexting are isolated phenomena and very low percentage. Teachers report that adolscentes use casual language learned in social networks and have no patience to read.


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