The people can learn about envioronmentally friendly practices principally in their communities. I live in Macul but is not a good example, they do not encourage and teach nothing. But in the next communities become to the mine, but in the next communities, especifically in Ñuñoa exist a big green conciensce, the children already know how to recycle from small and learn to separate waste by categories, etc. Even they had a reclycling day in the year, in this all the people should remove rubbish from their homes and throwing them into the street where they will be collected. Really i don´t incorporate the reclycing habites in my life, unfortunately i don´t have the custom, i know that i shoul be do it, and i try of change my bads habits. I dont use a bike because i haven´t one, but i really like, is in my plans boy me a bike as soon as possible, but i use my legs all day, instead of coming by bus to the UniversityI come walking because I live relatively close. I don´t support or join eco- organizations, i think because i haven´t time and money for that or for lazy or unworried, is true. If is a very important topic, is not my priority, i should read more about that before doing facts that help to environment. I don´t do it anything for reduce my environmental footprint, i try of eat vegetals and fruits, but not more than that. This is not my area!!. Santiago is a city very contaminated, missing more people that using bike, and reciclynd. More people different to me! :(
Friday, 25 October 2013
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Teenagers and social networking
Hellow partners, i checked the article "Teenagers and social networking – it might actually be good for them" in the and I am absolutelly agree with what the article says. The teenagers each time have more acces to mobile phone, computers, etc and that has been addictive and dangerous. The social relations are more and more impersonal, has been lost the empathy, are more trivial. The social relations face to time are becoming less. The autor asks: " We could be raising a hedonistic generation who live only in the thrill of the computer-generated moment and are in distinct danger of detaching themselves from what the rest of us would consider the real world." The answer is no, in each decade appear new things that scare parents and tend to think apocalyptically, however, numerous studies have shown that even can be beneficious and a good tool for the teenagers. It's good for their education and to make friends. One form of socialising doesn't replace the other. It augments it. Similarly like the adults used the social networking and even establish relationships face to face without any problems, The teenagers are careful with their provacity and take the measures necessary. But we need to educate teens using social networks in moderation. The bullying and sexting are isolated phenomena and very low percentage. Teachers report that adolscentes use casual language learned in social networks and have no patience to read.
Friday, 18 October 2013
My favorite TV series: "Breaking Bad"
I´ am going
to talk about my favorite TV series called Breaking Bad. Is an American TV
program, is transmitted by the AMC television. Is situated in Albuquerque Nuevo
Mexico, is the story of a chemistry teacher in a public school, is a man with a
life so bored, and low perfil with a normal life, but he was dissatisfied with
his life. He diagnosed lung cancer and is going to die in a few months. In this
moment he decides used his knowledge and start selling meth for collect money
for his family, two children and his wife. Throughout history the protagonist “Walter
White” it is getting into the world of drug dealers and literally gradually
breaking bad, and so bad. Is my favourite TV series because is a story very interesting,
the casting was a very good decision, there are many good actors and their
roles are perfect for each one. Is very intriguing, and the time of program is
so fast, alls the facts are surprising and successive, make you want not stop
watching. I started to watch this series with my boyfriend in this year a six
months ago, I had listening a lot about this TV series, that was so good and recommendable.
We watch Breaking Bad in Netflix and sometimes we can watch three or four episode
consecutive in a day. So i hope to watch this series, not regret.

Friday, 4 October 2013
My job: University packing
I wok in a
supermarket packing customer products, and they give me a tip voluntary return. This job have many advantages,
one of this is that I choose my work shifts, the day and the time i can. This allows me to manage my time and supplement my
college life, my social life, family and time with my boyfriend. I like to earn my own
money, buy things that I
like, pay my bus and my photocopies, my make-up, etc. and have some money to go
out and have fun. Some customer are very nice and generous, often I have a good
conversation with them and give me the tip on the supermarket check outs and
then leave, but thay are other kind of client, people so unpleasent, generally
older persons, they ask me to take out the products of the supermarket trolley,
then I have to order the product by category like dairy products, cleaning products, sensitive products, etc.
some are very picky about
the order and don´t say please, or thanks. After of that i have that packing
all the products and take care with the eggs, tomates, avocado, glass
objects,etc. to prevent damage. Finally I go with them to their car and I put the packings in the car suitcase. Some give a tip
according to work done, others not, but
the end is good
and generous people that the stingy
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